
Browsing CategoryTechnology

24 Aug 2023 The G20 is united by a common vision of harnessing the power of technology, innovation, and R&D to influence almost all facets of life and world. The mission is to leverage the combined B20 capabilities to promote sustainable development goals through affordable solutions and global-scale business models. Technology,…

24 Jul 2023 Exploring the Thriving Gaming Industry and Its Transformative Technologies In the enchanting realm of India, the gaming industry is experiencing an unprecedented surge, with experts projecting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% over the next 5-6 years. The driving force behind this rapid expansion…

11 Jul 2023 In the realm of technology and digital innovation, an ever-growing movement has been steadily gaining momentum over the past few decades—the opensource revolution. With its core principles rooted in collaboration, transparency, and community-driven development, opensource has become a powerful force driving technological advancements and transforming the digital…

17 May 2023 Enhanced use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a focal point for governments. Using AI in Governance and public policy is an excellent opportunity for citizen engagement, accountability, and interoperability. It is also an opportunity for governments to increase efficiency in governance. Building resilience toward livability,…